Practical Guidelines for the Analysis of Seawater

Books - Book
30 Nov 1999 -
This book is readable and useful in our attempts to standardize seawater analysis and provide a reliable benchmark for measuring changing baselines for climate change research.
  • Describes methods for the analysis of carbon in seawater, from dissolved organic carbon to complex chromophoric dissolved organic matter
  • Presents step-by-step guidelines for quick implementation and reliable application
  • Provides a common analytical basis for parameters important to biological cycles such as iron species, thorium, marine gels, and carbohydrates
  • Discusses the analysis of various man-made organic contaminants present at elevated levels in coastal waters accumulating in food webs
  • Covers the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in seawater and the establishment of procedures for routine analysis
Author: Wurl, O. (ed)
Organizer: CRC Press
Location: Boca Raton, Fl (USA)