Real time data available for Baja California, Mexico

Websites - Thematic website
Observatorios de Variables Ambientales en Tiempo Real en la Costa Occidental de México CICESE Division of Oceanology Coastal Ocean Observing System

We are now providing real-time or near real-time data collected along the peninsula. Right now, only local Ensenada winds, tidal level, radiation, temp, and some other meteorological data are available in real time (as well as archives), but shortly both biological and physical oceanographic data for the entire coast from Met stations, BajaCOMNet (a coastal monitoring project running for 10yrs now from Todos Santos Island to Mag Bay), and potentially from IAI - EPCOR (Eastern Pacific Consortium for Research on Global Change in Coastal and Oceanic Regions - all countries along the entire Eastern Pacific) will also be available, though probably not in real time. This service may be of interest to you regarding local conditions or science. It is for public use and has no restrictions, as long as the source is cited.
