Maritime Training

In today's global economy, hundreds of millions of people all over the world rely on ships to transport the great multitude of commodities, fuel, foodstuffs, goods and products on which we all depend. Yet, for most of them, shipping, not to mention the huge range of related maritime activities that, together, go to make up what is loosely termed ''the shipping industry'', does not register a particularly strong echo on their personal radar. The very nature of shipping makes it something of a ''background'' industry. For most people, most of the time, ships are simply ''out of sight and out of mind''. And the same, as a consequence, can be said of the seafarers that operate the world's fleet, despite the fact that the global economy depends utterly on their presence. Seafarers are, in effect, the lubricant without which the engine of trade would simply grind to a halt.

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